If you already started a summer camp application in CampWise, click here to access that in our old system.
Why work at summer camp?
In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment in the Law was. “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
We can summarize the two greatest commandments into this simple phrase, “Love God, Love People!”
To Know Christ and Make Him Known
Whether counseling, belaying on the ropes course, serving meals, or playing ballfield games, a summer of camp ministry can truly have a significant impact on the life of a camper… and on yours! For over 60 years, Black Rock has been a place that God has used to draw people to Himself. What greater purpose can there be in life than that? If you feel that you may be called to love God and love people through a summer of camping ministry, then please consider serving at Black Rock Summer Camp!
Salary and Benefits
The starting rate for summer staff is up to $250 per week and is variable based on position and/or experience. Still think it’s not enough? Remember that with other summer jobs, you might also have transportation costs, food costs, living costs, entertainment costs, etc. But if you are at camp, you don’t have those costs PLUS you gain a loving community, have loads of fun, encounter ministry opportunities every day, and growth in your own spiritual walk.
If you don’t think you can work at camp because you are required to do an internship for your college major, we may be able to work with you to provide the experience you need. Don’t hesitate to call to find out!
Your Opportunity
All staff reside on the property during the entire summer camp program with the option to stay on site over weekends. Perhaps the greatest benefit the summer staff receives from working at Black Rock is the incredible opportunity to give back to the Lord by serving our campers and helping them come to know Christ and make Him known to others. During this process, you will have the opportunity to grow and deepen your own relationship with the Lord as well, and we’re just as serious about helping facilitate that in our staff as we are our campers. This kind of intense ministry may be the most challenging experience of your life, but in light of what Jesus did for us on the cross, it is well worth it!
If you are interested in serving the Lord at Black Rock Summer Camp and would like an application, or if you have any questions about staff opportunities, please contact us using the information below. We will be happy to answer any questions we can and mail you more information.
Whether counseling in a cabin, teaching classes, splitting wood, or serving in the dining hall, a summer at Black Rock could be one of the most significant experiences of your life!