If you are a Youth Leader, we know it can be challenging for you to run a winter retreat for your youth group and not get caught up in all the details, when you just want to connect with your students. That’s where we come in! We will plan the retreat so you don’t have to. We will bring in a dynamic speaker and awesome worship leader, plan super fun activities and games, feed you great food, equip you to lead spiritual discussions with your students, and give you space and time to just connect and build relationships with them!
2025 Dates
NEW! Combined Jr. & Sr. High Winter Camp: January 10th-12th
Sr. High Winter Camp: January 24th-26th
NEW! Combined Jr. & Sr. High Winter Camp: January 31st-February 2nd FULL
Winter Camp Pricing
Campers and Leaders: $140
Price includes all meals, activities, and lodging spaces along with a complimentary t-shirt** for all registrants.
Unfortunately, individual registrations will be unavailable for 2025. If you have a camper interested in attending not with a youth group or church, we recommend filling out the inquiry form below for information on bringing a group of friends to Winter Camp!

For Youth Leaders
Please complete this inquiry form or contact our office at help@brr.org to get started!
- Each student AND adult youth leader MUST complete the online registration (contact the office for your group’s unique online registration code).
- Group leaders should submit a Group Roster, individual registrations, and full payment for your entire group no later than two weeks before the start of the weekend.
- Special Offer: For every seven students you bring, one group leader may attend for free!
- Groups that would prefer to pay Black Rock directly (instead of individual payments from campers) are required to pay a non-refundable deposit per camper to hold the registration. Otherwise, camper minimum deposits are non-refundable upon registration.
- Check-in for all winter camps will be held from 6-7pm on Friday night at Oakwood Chapel. Departure will be immediately following lunch on Sunday.
- Youth leaders, to set up online registration for your group please email us or call us at (717) 529-3232 for your group code. To register online as a student, please contact your youth leader for a group code. Registration open now!
Sample Schedule
Please note: the activities outlined below are a sample and are subject to change.
- Friday
- 6pm-7pm Registration
- 7:30pm Snack
- 8:00pm Welcome and Orientation
- 9:15pm Session One
- 11:30pm Lights Out
- Saturday
- 8:10am Morning Devotionals
- 8:45am Group Leader Meeting
- 9am Breakfast
- 10am Session Two
- 12pm Lunch
- 1pm Free Time with Activities
- 4:30pm Breakout Sessions
- 5:45pm Dinner
- 6:30pm Session Three
- 9:30pm Special Activity
- 11:30pm Lights Out
- Sunday
- 8:10am Morning Devotionals
- 8:45am Group Leader Meeting
- 9am Breakfast
- 10:15am Session Four
- 12:30pm To-Go Lunch & Departure
Get In Touch
Give us a call at (717) 529-3232
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm, or email us anytime.